Easily the best animanga of all time, shit I just might even say my favorite piece of media as a whole. Nothing has impacted my life as much as the lessons I've taken from this story (next to Mob Psycho, OPM, Ping Pong, bobobo, GTO, Cromartie High, Mashle, and nichibros as well as Berserk, Golden Boy [THE OVAS], Saiki K, etc.) huh thats alot, but hey, that's just a few examples of my efficacious love for this medium, manga. Which REALLY started with this series, but don't close off the tab just yet! Daijoubu, although I will briefly touch upon my personal love and connection (ooo lalala) to this series, I will still primarily be focusing on the series itself and not just memememe. Because I want youyouyou to develop just as much of a personal bond to this series as mememe on your own. Although I did in fact begin my venture with this series through the anime, my focus will be in regards to the manga, as I prefer that medium but implore you to experience both as you cannot go wrong with either. So what exactly is it that compels me to call this both the greatest manga and anime of all time, that had such a profound impact on me that I'd turn around my life for the better?

Now much like my Nichibros review, I'd wager that half of what you get with this series depends on your style of humor. Unlike Nichibros, which does have its fair share of feels at the end don't get me wrong, Gintama presents a style of humor that not only ticks all my personal boxes, but is also chock full of heart tugging tales with great characters and pearls of wisdom that are inarguably well-written. I mean at over 700 chapters, you best believe that there's more soul to this series than the amount of silver in the world! Er I mean more than just gags and goofs, because I discovered this series when looking for something that was similar to another all time favorite of mine, ‘Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo’! Which sure, to some may be nothing more than the most absurd animanga series of all time, but to me it's so much more. Among all the fart jokes, it taught me to not always take life so seriously and to always stay true to my values and be nothing less than my truest self no matter what others think! But I'll save that for my Bobobo Essay, so anyways what about Gintama?

At this point, I heralded Bobobo in my top three favorite animanga of all time. Convinced that no other series could top it in terms of its sheer absurdity! (and to a point that may still be the case. ..) HOWEVER, there was but one series that kept getting chucked at me no matter the recommendation site/algorithm I used, KINNIKUMAN! but also, GINTAMA! I am convinced that there is not a single silver soul, or megane adorning animanga otaku that has not had this series also recommended to them. Ya like comedy? Gintama! Ya like drama? Gintama! Battle shounen, Monkey magic, One Piece?! This silver balled series didn't get its reputation for nothin’! For me though, I was initially drawn to it by hearing that it has toilet humor. I was sold right then and there. You mean to tell me that there's a series that's as insane as bobobo AND has toilet humor, AND has this interesting looking character on the front of the first volume with silver hair and a badass looking robe to boot? So I figured I'd give it a shot, but did it come close to Bobobo in, not only it's humor, but over the top insanity?

In short, yes. But in long, not immediately. Allow me to explain. I'm sure by now, if this is a series you're considering picking up or are just curious to hear other's thoughts about it, then I'm 11% certain that you've heard this series described as a, “grower”. And this is a common sentiment I must concur with. For as much as the series's art, sense of astonishment from the world we're immediately presented with, and its sense of humor, I was honestly a bit miffed by the character designs. Admittedly when Otose was introduced I was REALLY gunning for her to be a non-recurring character because for some reason I found her insatiably ugly! Lo and behold, she'd become one of my top five favorite characters from the series. And basically that's this series in a nutshell, given it's length, the style of humor and remarkable tales you'll embark on, it's guaranteed that over time you'll develop a kinship to the series like no other. A common saying is that “The only person who says Gintama isn't their favorite series, is someone who hasn't read or watched it.”....”or it's just not their style of humor.” And that's the thing, it just so happens to be mine, and next to comedy manga, I love Shonen manga (I know it's a demographic and not a genre but you know what I mean). So basically what I'm saying is, that it's no wonder why I love the series so much and why this “review” has been nothing short of a madfan, (me) fondling Gintama's Gintama's. So let's get more literal, analytical, and nitty gritty into the aspects of this story that makes it the perfect animanga and my favorite piece of fiction ever written.

I'm not here to give you a synopsis, but an essay regarding my thoughts on this impeccable series. But with that being said, in short, we follow an odd jobs trio as they take on duties in a land of edo era Samurai that has been taken over by Amanto (aliens). So we're left to follow the crazy trials and tribulations that these three characters face in a world that combines both sci-fi and edo era Japanese Samurai culture into the craziest, hijinks ensuing landscape known to man with anachronism that Samurai Champloo creams at the thought of!

Character designs, while somewhat simple and blobish initially, become more refined and absolutely gorgeous as the series progresses. Accentuating the eccentric and impeccable world building/character designs/and story world as a whole as you slowly but surely develop a fondness for these characters. Giant inu's, tiny inu's, and even the most based prince known to man with a penis on his head and a theme song that demands whatever liquid it was you were consuming to be chucked from your nostrils upon hearing it! It has it all! And to think it was all drawn by a Gorilla who wants nothing more in life than to be a steamed cheese bun, and honestly who could blame him? As the series goes on, and especially towards the final few arcs, you'll have some impeccable spreads and art that demands all your ‘mirin and ogling attention. These pieces are beautiful and that's not even counting the phenomenally illustrated, funny, and creative volume covers, OR the random bits of extra art and illustrations that also make up a bulk of the volumes. I've yet to come across a mangaka hone and refine the beauty of his art like Sorachi. “But what about ONE?!”. Here's the thing, ONE started out amateurish but became GOOD overtime, and now he's got his own unique untouchable style I could only wish to achieve someday. Sorachi however started out GOOD but became INCREDIBLE (I'm talking at least to the same level of Akira Hiramoto of Prison School fame, to me at least) overtime. So please, when reading Gintama I implore you to take a second to admire Sorachi’s fantastic illustrations, ESPECIALLY some of those action pieces involving Takasugi and the Kiheitai before and during the silver soul arc.

So who exactly is it that created this incredible story that knows no bounds? The man in question is none other than Sorachi Hideaki. Now I'm not here to do nothing but jelque a man who doesn't even know I exist and will never read this essay. But what I will say, is that beyond his obsession for all things with a Dragon or monster prefix, I find him to be a compelling individual. One glance at his reader's corner in the aforementioned volumes, (again with oh so gorgeous art!) you'll get the impression that this man does not give a fuck. His blunt, literal, and annoyed nature contrasts with someone like Oda who, while silly in his responses to his readers, recognizes the wide age demographic and reach of his series and thus maintains a level of composure in his replies. Gorilla Senpai on the other hand just could not care less what others think and will bash his own series, fans, himself, his (poor) editors and it's own popularity to the same degree he critiques himself. I'm writing a whole blip of this because I've yet to come across an author/mangaka who seemingly abhors both themselves and the world so much and is yet still able to write and illustrate life changing stories that have impacted me on the deepest level known to man, as well as written humor that has transcended my consciousness beyond Earth's stratosphere. I'm just impressed that this man who seemingly hates life also see's the beauty in it and thus taught me that lesson as well.

For every fart, shit, and ball sack joke, there's a life lesson worth learning from these stories. Standing straight and living by your own rules, having a dream and chasing it, staying light and having a child-like heart that makes everything fun, changing for the better and not just for ourselves but for those we care for, learning and growing from our mistakes and to not be constricted by them, and to see the good in others instead of the bad. These are just some of the messages you'll get from this unabashedly vulgar series, and surprisingly so, probably when you least expect it.

Gintama is an incredible series, shit I just might even call it my favorite piece of media ever made. It's able to maintain its integrity with both its silly and serious side like no other and STILL manage to have you laughing your ass off to crying it back above your thighs for OVER 700 CHAPTERS with marvelous art, and so many unique characters and situations that you'll have finished it without even realizing it. If you made it to the end of my nonsensical and crazy ramble about my favorite piece of media ever created, then firstly thank you, secondly what the hell man?! You managed to do something more absurd in your free time than me?! If you went that far then you may as well also read 700+ chapters of a Samurai Sci-Fi romp written by a lazy gorilla. ANPAN!