BBOY Otaku: Bboy Oats&Rice

My history and life long passion for dancing and bboying

I've been practicing dancing for eight years as of writing this [2023] and practice breaking daily after my workouts. But my parents always told me I was a good dancer with a better sense of rhythm than my peers ever since my preschool tenure. Break-dancing is my favorite form of self expression since it allows me to show off my silly, fun, athletic, acrobatic, and comedic nature. Basically if I'm not reading manga, then I'm bboy'ing.

I am thankful for the art of breaking since it showed me that I'm capable of accomplishing feats such as cartwheels, handstands, airflares, headstands, front flips and much much more, that I never thought I could've as a former obese child. I've had the pleasure of first discovering my love for self-expression through bboying from attending hc/punk shows[pic of me bleeding while wearing a mob psycho shirt] as a young teen before expanding my world to other music and dance events such as breaking competitions, attending hundreds of various music events, anime-cons, and more such as preforming as the front man in a few bands throughout the years where I realized how much I preferred doing sommersaults over singing and thus became engrossed in developing my athleticism, fitness, and sense of rhythm to become a better bboy.

I remember experiencing my first cypher at an anime-con where I saw countless otaku such as a jacked master roshi, and Yusuke getting down in the cypher through breaking doing indian steps, footwork, windmills, one arm handstands, and air flares. I was mesmerized by their charisma and ability to be open about their anime power level/being themselves while demonstrating an athletic dance style that beat ANYTHING I saw in person until then. From then on, I decided to grab my life by the ass and to learn this ability to expand my world and connections to others through anime and breaking!

There's no rules to dancing, there's no set guidelines or such a thing as a "bad dancer" you just express yourself and start moving! I cannot wait to enter more breaking competitions as well as bboying at anime cons around the globe to show the power of BBOY OATS AND RICE!

I'll be uploading my move selection here, namely power and style everytime I master a new power move. Also links/clips of me in breaking/dance competitions. GANBARE MINA! PRACTICE DAILY!!!!

[4/23/24] Uploaded more moves to the bottom row, such as my hawaiian 3-step, cartwheel to swipe thread, and additional footwork beside the headspin! :D

[4/13/24] Practcing everyday working on my double flares, hawaiian 3-step, and threading power moves together. Breaking is the highlight of my day along with reading manga! As long as I get to bboy and read manga, then it's a good day!

[4/3/24] Currently practicing my double flare everday until I get it: 1 flare easy, BUT TWO IS ON A WHOLE OTHER LEVEL thus I get excited training for two flares in a row! WML mina!

[3/22/24] After finishing my berserk animation, practicing flare combos for an hour and studying for another, I went for a walk and ended up in a dance battle with a stranger. We got acquainted, exchanged numbers, and his daughter even gave me this cute flower. People can be really amazing, what a beautiful experience and an incredible human being to have met! ;D Gave me all the confidence I needed for my physiology final that night!



[2/19/21] My current daily warm up routine before my workout and breaking practice! ^0^

[1/31/24] Had perhaps the BEST BREAKING SESH ever incorporating so many acrobatics and new transitions to my power move selection, improving my stamina and overall agility! But it came with a bloody, yet surprisingly nonpainful, cost. A bloody gash below the knee. Got it about an hour into practice, not sure from what move though

[1/25/24] Not sure where else to put this, but I cut my hair and plan to keep it this length for the long run. REALLY helps breaking, practicing power moves, acrobatics, running, and working out in general.

[1/24/24] Began my foray in air flares, hand stands, and other high flying power moves/acrobatics!

[1/13/24] Enjoy my swipe progression second from the right! Join me on my current bboy quest to conquer more and more POWER MOVES!!

[12/31/23] BEGAN PRACTICING SWIPES!!!! So much fun and will upload my swipes once I perfect them

[12/8/23] currently trying to combo flares while perfecting cartwheels, air flares. Slowly getting into UFO's and improving on footwork!

[12/12/23]Perfected my aforementioned flare into air chair, as seen in the far left vid >:]


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